Rain cloud: Nimbostratus clouds bring a dark and dreary sky

Nimbostratus clouds are rain clouds that form as an air mass rises and water vapour condenses into clouds in wide areas. Usually this cloud type is associated with weather fronts.
Nimbostratus clouds are multi-level clouds with a low-level base
Nimbostratus clouds typically have a low-level base, usually between the surface and 9,000 feet. Nimbostrati are very amorphous and uniform clouds that fill the whole visible sky. Nimbostratus clouds can reach up to mid-level cloud height, 18,000 feet.
Nimbostratus clouds are associated with weather fronts
Nimbostratus is a typical example of a cloud that forms within a rising large scale air mass. Especially warm fronts and occluded fronts are areas where nimbostratus clouds can form. The rain falling from a nimbostratus is usually persistent and lasts for up to several days, but its intensity does not vary much.
Article last updated 2/25/2021, 8:14:00 AM